10 ways to use NeutrOlene everyday

1. Use NeutrOlene Soap to make certain you're not carrying odors into the world from your work, cooking, gardening, car maintenance, etc.

2. Spray closets to avoid musty odors. (Shared NeutrOlene with a friend whose son worked at Wendy's. His closet and bedroom smelled like french fries -- but not after NeutrOlene!)

4. Spray office trash containers before installing plastic liners.

5. Spray outdoor garbage cans/dumpsters/dumpster areas each time they are emptied, and sprinkle granules in the bottom of trash containers to keep them smelling fresh.

6. Use NeutrOlene spray when cleaning break room 'fridge and microwave oven. Also spray sponges with NeutrOlene to prevent souring.

7. Spray winter woolens lightly to rid them of that mothball odor after summer storage.

8. Add a teaspoon of NeutrOlene when steaming out wrinkles with a clothing steamer.

9. Spray and/or mop around the base of all vending machines.

10. Use NeutrOlene to launder any cleaning rags, mop heads or floor cleaning sponges, or spray them after every use.